The alarm system is a mission at Isla Estocastica where 2 terminals and at least 2 communication stations have to be hacked.
Required objectives[]
Main security terminal[]
The first terminal is located in the office.
Main security terminal[]
The second terminal is located in the jungle lab building.
Optional objectives[]
Communication station[]
The first station is located in the north guard tower.
Communication station[]
The first station is located in the east guard tower.
Parabolic dish[]
The parabolic dish is located on the radio tower.
Communication station[]
The third station is located in the south guard tower.
There are alarm boxes which trigger when their respective object is hacked.
The alarm will stop once you have hacked 2 terminals and 2 communication stations. The other objectives will deactivate.
- Main articles: The alarm system/Strategy/67 percent, The alarm system/Strategy/100 percent
- x3 Fishing Boat
- Forklift
- x2 Jacobi SL (military)
- x2 Mobile Crane
- x2 Small Boat
- x3 Speedboat
- x2 Warehouse Forklift