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The Television is an interactive item in Löckelle Teardown Services, that provides information on the outside world.


There are 2 kinds of programmes most often aired on the TV: News from LCN and adverts. Other miscellaneous shows may appear. (Listed by time, italic indicates side missions, Deletion line indicates deleted news.)


Wrecked revenues[]

Trigger: The old building problem has not been completed yet

Ticker: "The demolition sector continues to see steep drop off in revenue following a quarter where construction outdid demolition by 437%. "The destruction business just isn't what it used to be" says Tracy from Löckelle Teardown Services."

Lee Chemicals in the black[]

Trigger: The old building problem has not been completed yet

Ticker: "Lee Chemicals finally showed black figures for the last fiscal year. CEO Lawrence Lee Jr says they have expanded into "new markets" but doesn't want to go into further detail."

Cultural heritage site destroyed from 1941[]

Trigger: The old building problem has been completed, but not The Lee Computers

Ticker: "On June 22, 1941, the Lockelle Museum was destroyed. The Germans destroyed it with 1,000 explosives. Instead, the Everеtides parking lot is currently under construction."

Lee Chemicals marina move[]

Trigger: The old building problem has been completed, but not The Lee Computers

Ticker: "Lee Chemicals is moving parts of their operation to the Westpoint marina. "This opens up opportunities in new business areas where we, together with our partners, can disrupt the market through long term strategic synergies." says Lawrence Lee Jr, CEO of Lee Chemicals."

Hit and run no fun for Lee son[]

Trigger: The Lee Computers has been completed, but not The login devices

Ticker: "Break-in at Lee Chemicals. The perpetrator caused property damage and managed to get away with electronic equipment. CEO Lawrence Lee Jr says they will upgrade security and should be up and running again soon."

Burglars gain access to gain access[]

Trigger: The login devices has been completed, but not Making space

Ticker: "Lee Chemicals was hit by another smash and grab this weekend. Several buildings were damaged and a number of devices from the entry security system were stolen. The police says the break-in might be related to the event last week when computers were stolen."

Aged automobiles abducted[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Classic cars

Ticker: "Two classic cars were reported stolen from Westpoint marina last night. "Just typical, luck has not been on my side recently." says Lawrance Lee Jr who had bought the cars at an auction just a few days ago."

GPS units stolen[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is The GPS devices

Ticker: "The marina and several boats were damaged yesterday as thieves broke in and got away with expensive GPS navigation units. Harbor master Jim Daeglish says the marina has been subject to a string of vandalism and burglary incidents lately."

Villa Gordon vandalized[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is The car wash

Ticker: "Returning from a business trip, Mr Woo found several of his valuable cars dumped in the ocean this morning. He says he has no idea why anyone would do this and calls it a tragedy."

Spectacular break-in at Lee[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Heavy lifting

Ticker: "Lee chemicals suffered another spectacular break-in last night where properties were damaged and the perpetrators got away with heavy security equipment according to the police. "What is happening to Löckelle, do you need locks for you locks nowadays!?" says CEO Lawrence Lee Jr."

Lee Tower - 75th anniversary[]

Trigger: The tower has not been completed yet.

Running line: "On the weekend of 1997, the company "Chemical Plant Li" celebrated the 75th anniversary of the completion of the famous Blue Tower. The tower, built by Lawrence Lee Sr., has an impressive height of 22 meters and was built of almost 3,000 bricks. The top floor offers stunning views of the surrounding area, including the dam and the new power plant. After completion, the building was incorporated into the Blue Chemicals brand, which symbolizes the success of the company."

Lee tower toppled[]

Trigger: The tower has been completed, but not Fine arts

Ticker: "Lee chemicals[sic] famous tower torn down by unknown trespassers. Shameful deed happens right before the 75th anniversary of the tower. Rummaging around in the rubble, Lawrence Lee Jr express grief and anger. "These half-wit neanderthals don't know what's coming for them! Attacking the heart and soul of my company! Of my family!" he fumes, visibly upset."

Thunderstorm approaching[]

Trigger: Fine arts has been completed, but not Art return

Ticker: "A massive thunderstorm is approaching and is expected to hit the coast tonight. Meteorologist Sara Nimbusson recommends everyone to stay indoors and away from windows."

Marina struck by lightning[]

Trigger: Art return has been completed, but not Insurance fraud

Ticker: "Several buildings at the Westpoint marina were damaged during the thunderstorm last night. "It's a miracle that the buildings are still standing. We see signs of fire, but the heavy rain must have put them all out!" says harbor master Jim Daeglish."

Noise at Villa Gordon[]

Trigger: Insurance fraud has been completed, but not The BlueTide Computers

Ticker: "Loud noises heard near Villa Gordon. "It sounded like they were tearing the place apart!", bypassing jogger tells LCN. Mr Woo assures there is nothing to worry about: "This is typical for people who simply don't understand racing"

Tools missing from the marina[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Tool up

Ticker: "Several expensive tools have been reported missing from the new dock construction at the marina. The police still has no suspect."

Increase in vandalism[]

Trigger: A wet affair has been completed, but not Power outage

Ticker: "There has been yet another break-in in Löckelle county, this time the victim was Gordon Woo. The perpetrators managed to steal multiple of Mr Woo's personal safes. "I'm clueless as to why they stole the safes, it's very unlikely that they will be able to open them, they are state of the art Quilez safes", Gordon said in an interview."

Reservoir dam breaks[]

Trigger: Power outage has been completed, but not Motivational reminder

Ticker: "Sudden rise of water levels in Löckelle municipality after dam breaks. Löckelle Recreational Fishing Club's Alisha Keen claims flooded areas are covered by current Quiteshallow fishing permits."

Loud bangs in archipelago[]

Trigger: Motivational reminder has been completed, but not An assortment of dishes

Ticker: "Several reports of loud bangs heard across the Löckelle archipelago yesterday evening. Coast guard sweeps the area for location of noise. Oceanologist Dr. Pieré Troch says it might have been underwater gas pockets releasing hot gases as a result of the bad weather."

Sudden satellite-TV coverage[]

Trigger: An assortment of dishes has been completed, but not Flooding

Ticker: "Since this morning a number of citizens have reported that they can now receive television programs previously unavailable. "Finally I can watch the live broadcast of 'Best chefs of Greenland'" says local food aficionado Graham Stölöp. There is no immediate explanation according to the National Television Commission."

Lee convicted for tax evasion (Cutscene-exclusive)[]

Trigger: The chase has been completed.

Ticker: "Following a series of unrelated mishappenings at Lee Chemicals, owner and CEO Lawrence Lee Jr was arrested for tax evasion this morning. Ms Terdiman at the police says they have overwhelming evidence thanks to good police work and strong community support."

New wing at Evertides Mall[]

Trigger: The chase has been completed.(Not in Part 2)

Ticker: "The construction of a new wing at Evertides Mall has started. "We had some minor bumps in the road when we started but everything goes according to plan now." Gordon Woo, general manager at Evertides Mall, told LCN earlier today."

Lee Chemicals decommissioned(Since 0.9)[]

Trigger: The chase has been completed, but not Roborazzi.

Ticker: "Following the arrest of Lawrence Lee Junior this summer, Lee Chemicals filed for bankrupcy and the historic chemical plant was decommisioned. The factory is currently scheduled for controlled demolision and the plot is on the market."

Gordon Woo buys Lee plot[]

Trigger: Roborazzi has been completed, but not The secret ingredients.

Ticker: "Mr Woo announced today that he is taking over the land of former Lee Chemicals factory. "Seeing these iconic buildings go away is hard for me who grew up here in Löckelle, but I think my new plans for this place will give our community something even more memorable."

Frustrum evacuated[]

Trigger: The secret ingredients has been completed, but not The BlueTide shortage.

Ticker: "Löckelle currently experiences unusually strong winds for this time of year. Over to Sara Nimbusson. "A storm is approaching Frustrum, we might even get local tornadoes." The residents have been evacuated."

BlueTide shortage[]

Trigger: The secret ingredients has been completed, but not its eponynomus mission.

Ticker: "Demand for the popular energy drink surges and it is currently out of stock in several stores. Meanwhile voices are raised towards health concerns as some people find it strangely addictive. We have tried to reach BlueTide Inc for a comment."

Tornado strikes Frustrum[]

Trigger: The BlueTide shortage has been completed, but not The shipping logs.

Ticker: "Massive property damage has been reported as tornadoes hit Frustrum. "This is the worst I've seen in Löckelle!" Thanks to an early evacuation no injuries have been reported."

Break-in at Evertides[]

Trigger: The shipping logs has been completed, but not Truckload of trouble.

Ticker: "There has been a break-in at Evertides Mall. "We have had some.. issues with the former upper management, but one of my first actions is to deepen our strategic partnership with Quilez security", says newly appointed mall manager Erin Gregorius."

Truck stuck in muck[]

Trigger: The shipping logs has been completed, but not Truckload of trouble.

Ticker:"A military truck being delivered to Löckelle Home Guard got stuck in the Löckelle canal today due to bad weather. "We have been working all afternoon, but not getting anywhere", says Oliver Funke with the Löckelle Home Guard. They will continue the operation tomorrow."

New theme park announced[]

Trigger: The shipping logs has been completed, but not Truckload of trouble.

Ticker: "Gordon Woo's "Racing Woonderland" will open just in time for the holidays. "This is very close to heart. Löckelle has been missing a place where young people can gather around their interest in racing, have fun and talk about their local heroes. There will be racing rides, motorcycle carousel and even swan boats!", says Mr Woo."

Military truck missing[]

Trigger: Truckload of trouble has been completed, but not Connecting the dots.

Ticker:"The truck that was stuck in the Frustrum canal was mysteriously found missing this morning. "We suspect it got caught in the stream and we are now dragging the entire canal", says Oliver Funke with the Home Guard."

Evertides struck by vandalism[]

Trigger: Connecting the dots has been completed, but not The droid abduction.

Ticker: The mall has been the target for heavy vandalism. Even though large portions of the building was torn down, no items have been reported stolen. "Everything is currently on sale since the mall will need to close for renovations" says mall manager Erin Gregorius.

Gordon Woo bankrupt[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Malice in Woonderland.

Ticker: Racing enthusiast and former millionaire Gordon Woo filed for personal bankrupcy today, following the vandalism of his Racing Woonderland, just before the grand opening. The liquidator is looking for a new owner, but have found no interest so far.

Suspected BlueTide overdose[]

Trigger: The droid abduction is completed, but not Handle with care

Ticker: A teenager in Frustrum was found unconscious this morning, surrounded by large quantities of BlueTide cans. Medical experts are still evaluating the situation, but people are already protesting, demanding a ban on the popular energy drink.

Strange vehicle spotted[]

Trigger: Droid dismount is completed, but not The final diversion.

Ticker: A heavy vehicle approaching Cullington has stirred up quite a scene in the neighborhood and a lot of people are evacuating their homes. "I was just heading over to my brother when I saw this weird-looking truck. Being quite a big fella I tried to stop it, but it appears to have no driver!", says Kenneth Rippe, eager to leave town with his brother.

BlueTide boss behind bars[]

Trigger: The final diversion is completed.

Ticker: Following the spectacular arrest on Hollowrock Island involving a vault with a secret tunnel and a drug lab on a private island in the Muratoris, Mr. Amanatides, the owner of BlueTide Inc, was convicted for mixing addictive substances into the popular energy drink. BlueTide has since been withdrawn from the market.


Classic car auction[]

Trigger: The Lee Computers has been completed yet, but not The login devices

Text: "Black River
Classic car auction
This Wednesday
Call 555-188-2789."

Gubb Grill[]

Trigger: The login devices has been completed, but not Making space

Text: "Decent food
Decent prices
In Westpoint marina
Try our special!."

Expensive kitchenware[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is The GPS devices

Text: "Sharp.

Löckelle celebrations[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Fine arts

Text: "Löckelle celebrations!
Home guard parade
Live music and fireworks!
See you at Evertides Mall."


Trigger: Fine arts has been completed, but not Art return

Text: "When you are looking for
a bright future


Trigger: Art return has been completed, but not Insurance fraud

Text: "Want to impress?
Want to flash cash?
Russian caviar
Goes well with
fishy business"


Trigger: Insurance fraud has been completed, but not The BlueTide Computers

Text: "BlueTide
It's a lifestyle"

Expensive food processor[]

Trigger: A wet affair has been completed, but not Power outage

Text: "Mix.
Food processor."

Limited edition BlueTide[]

Trigger: Flooding has been completed, but not The chase(this advert is hidden as the only way to access this mission is by exiting the game after Flooding is completed or skipping it)

Text: "It's a lifestyle
BlueTide Extra Strong
limited edition - $75"

Expensive food processor rerun[]

Trigger: Flooding has been completed, but not The chase(Ditto.)

Text: "Mix.
Food processor."


Trigger: The chase has been completed

Text: "Fine dining
with an ocean view
Visit boon
by Evertides Mall."

SunnyMax solarium[]

Trigger: Last Completed mission is The shipping logs


"Sun in mind

Electronic kind

SunnyMax solarium

Like the real deal, Almost."

Evertides Mall holiday sale[]

Trigger: Last completed mission is Truckload of trouble


"Excited for the holidays?

So are we!

Get in the spirit

at Evertides Mall!"

Woonderland Grand Opening[]

Trigger: Ornament ordeal has been completed, but not Malice in Woonderland


"Speed, excitement, fun!

Grand opening! Wroom!

Treat yourselves,

visit Woonderland!"

Quliez Model 245[]

Trigger: The droid abduction has been completed, but not Handle with care


"You have 20 seconds..

To recieve 10% off your

new Quilez model 245!"


The Mystery Show[]

Trigger: Making space has been completed, but not Classic cars or The GPS devices

Text: "The ghost cabin
The four ocean cabins at the Westpoint marina.
A popular holiday resort since many years.
But according to harbor master Jim Daeglish,
there used to be five cabins.
We searched through all available records.
But no proof of a fifth cabin could be found.
Without evidence the rumors still persist.
Of a ghost cabin...
Next week:
Art, or remnants
from the afterlife?"

Lee Tower documentary (Lee Tower - 75th anniversary)[]

Trigger: Either The car wash or Heavy lifting have been completed, but not The tower

Ticker: "This weekend Lee Chemicals is celebrating the 75 year anniversary since the completion of the famous Lee Tower. Built by Lawrence Lee Sr, the Tower stands at an impressive 22 meters tall and was built with almost 3000 bricks. The top floor offers an amazing view of the surrounding countryside, including the dam and the new powerplant. After completion it was incorporated into the Lee Chemicals brand, symbolizing the success of the company."

You can DO IT![]

Trigger: The BlueTide Computers has been completed, but not A wet affair

Text: "Portable

The rain is pouring down. But you need to move.
your precious water-sensitive swordfish.
And as it turns out, you have no covered truck.
Only an open truck, and some tables.
With some creativity you can build yourself a
beautiful portable shed!
Or maybe you have some other material lying
around, and can build these?
With some basic tools and some craftiness,
your swordfish can travel safely.
Next week:
A wall but no hole?
We play with

Rock solid science[]

Trigger: Handle with care is completed, but not Droid dismount.

Ticker: "They are often taken for "granited", but how are cliffs made? Both water and wind work together in the creation of cliffs. Erosional cliffs forming among shorelines, like the steep cliffs in Cullington, tend to retreat more rapidly than other slopes due to the most extensive erosion taking place at the base of the cliff."
