The Speedboat is one of the many Vehicles in Teardown. It is found on all maps with water, excluding Villa Gordon.
At Lee Chemicals, it's located at the bay behind wooden hunting tower.
At West Point Marina, it's located in the northeast corner, next to the wooden garage and fish-transport truck.
At Frustrum, it's located near the tunnel entrance.
The Speedboat is the fastest water vehicle in-game and beats every other boat. It has terrific acceleration and a high top speed(for a boat), but it's turning ability and durability are lacking. The rear end of the boat swings around while turning, and in general the boat responds slowly to input, making it feel as if it is on ice. Durability is very bad and the boat gets easily damaged when in contact with anything(this also makes it lose a large amount of it's speed, even if the damage is not very severe). The size of the craft adds to these problems, making the Speedboat difficult to manuever in tight spots.
- In "The Chase" mission, this boat is surprisingly an Escape Vehicle, instead of a Cruise Boat.