Teardown Wiki
Teardown Wiki

The Snow Plough is a yellow construction vehicle, used to deal with piles of snow. The plough can be moved up and down with the use of LMB and RMB.


It is an ordinary truck, with an invicible plough attached to the front of it. It has a short-cab with shared windshield, and small windows on both sides. On the rear side there is a dump bed, that cannot be moved up unlike the dump truck. Rear wheels are doubled to hold the pressure.


The snow plough has a low speed and cannot handle sharp turns properly. But, it is a decent offroader.

Game Modes
Campaign Part 1Part 2Art Vandals (Free DLC)
Challenges MayhemFetchHunted
Sandbox "The Sandbox game mode allows players to freely explore and play with environments."
Basic Sledge SledgeSpraycanExtinguisherLeaf BlowerJackhammer (Art Vandals)
Utility Blowtorch BlowtorchPlankWire
Firearms Shotgun ShotgunGunHunting Rifle
Explosives Launcher Pipe BombBombRocketNitroglycerin
Enhancements Steroid Rocket BoosterVehicle ThrusterBlueTide
Uncategorised Minigun MinigunLaser GunSmokegunCellphone (Art Vandals) • Old Newspapers (Art Vandals)
Civilian Castanet Castanet 500L GTCayuse 550Crownzygot XVCDrab 75DefenderEurus IV XXFGauss-Seidel B50Golf CartGordo Pathracer XTRMIce Cream TruckJacobi SLModern Station WagonMonster TruckMicrocarSemiSingle-unit truckStation WagonSUVTaskmaster 4WDTractorVanFood Cart
Industrial ExcavatorPreview Cement TruckDump TruckExcavatorFront LoaderMini Excavator
Military TankPreview Missile LauncherTankMilitary TruckMilitary TrailerMilitary Van
Utility TelePreview Basket LiftForkliftIndustrial ForkliftMobile CraneTelehandlerWarehouse Forklift
Nautical YachtPreview Big Fishing BoatCruise BoatRace BoatSmall BoatSpeedboatYachtPatrol BoatTour Boat
Non-drivable HelicopterPreview BusSmall HelicopterSecurity Chopper
Base-Game Löckelle Teardown ServicesLee ChemicalsWest Point MarinaVilla GordonHollowrock IslandEvertides MallFrustrumMuratori BeachIsla EstocasticaQuilez SecurityCullingtonTilläggaryd (Art Vandals)
Example AssetpackBasicCastleDrive to surviveExamples/Editor ShowcaseHeist ExampleRobot ShowcaseSimple HouseScripting Showcase
Removed IslandVehicleCustom
Part 1 The old building problemThe Lee ComputersThe login devicesMaking spaceClassic CarsThe GPS devicesThe car washThe towerFine artsArt returnInsurance fraudThe BlueTide ComputersA wet affairPower outageAn assortment of dishesFloodingThe chase
Part 1 side Heavy liftingTool upThe speed dealCovert chaosMotivational reminder
Part 2 RoborazziThe secret ingredientsThe BlueTide shortageThe shipping logsThe alarm systemMoving the goodsHavoc in paradiseTruckload of troubleConnecting the dotsThe droid abductionHandle with careDroid dismountThe final diversion
Part 2 Side Elena's revengeOrnament ordealThe Quilez toolsThe pawn shopMalice in Woonderland
Art Vandals DLC Paper girlThe photo shootHer prized prizesOut with a bangArt vandals
Other Fetch Challenge(Lee ChemicalsWest Point MarinaVilla GordonEvertides MallHollowrock IslandFrustrumIsla EstocasticaQuilez SecurityHeist Example)