The Heavy-Duty Truck is an undrivable vehicle which serves as a crucial part of Part 2's plot. It is the body of the Truxterminator, a highly explosive bomb truck made to blow up the entirety of Cullington, the player's home base.
Heavy-Duty Truck[]
This is the regular version of the Heavy-Duty Truck. It appears in the Truckload of Trouble mission.
After supposedly uncovering the identity of the culprit behind multiple break-ins at properties operated by him, Mr. Amanatides hatches a plan to stop the interference of the individual once and for all. His plan involves the creation of a highly explosive bomb truck that is intended to destroy the home base of the culprit.
To set this plan in motion, Amanatides needs a powerful vehicle as the base for his creation. He won't have to search for long. A shipping mishap and build-up of ice in the Frustrum canal causes the order of a large, durable transport truck by the Löckelle Home Guard to get postponed. The truck, transported in two separate pieces, is now stuck in the canal, waiting for the ice to be cleared before embarking on its journey once again. Amanatides catches wind of this and sends the Player to abduct the parts of the truck for use in his creation.
Truckload of Trouble is the only time the regular version of the Heavy-Duty Truck is seen.
This is Amanatides' grand creation. Its only physical appearance is in the mission The final diversion.
The Truxterminator is Amanatides' final revenge. It is the most crucial component of his big revenge plan, and also a huge bomb truck made to wipe out Cullington. Its creation is stretched out across multiple missions. First, multiple components are needed to bring it to reality; A sturdy base vehicle, highly explosive substances and advanced AI. After the Truckload of Trouble mission, Amanatides holds one piece of the Truxterminator, being the base. He now has to somehow get hold of an AI to control the truck and nitroglycerine for the explosives on the back.
Amanatides catches wind of a technological breakthrough at Quilez Security's Autonomous Robot Research Department thanks to an informant he had stationed inside and thinks of a plot to obtain the AI he desires. He sends the Player to the facility to "borrow" a few of their new robots to tether them to the truck's navigation system so the Truxterminator may get to its destination without a driver. The Player successfully obtains the robots, and now the only thing left is some nitroglycerine for the beast to reach completetion.
Amanatides brings forth an idea on how to retrieve the nitroglycerin, involving yet another trip to Quilez Security. He would just go and purchase the nitroglycerin he desires legally, yet this requires a licence he does not possess. However, the Quilez facility regularly receives large shipments of nitro, which Amanatides takes advantage of by sending the player there to bring back a few canisters of the stuff. The Player does so, and now all parts of the Truxterminator are together...

The Truxterminator, about to be deployed.
Using the truck as a base, the nitro as an explosive, the robots as navigation and a large rod as a detonator the Truxterminator is completed. A day after its completion, the beast is shipped off to Lockelle where it begins to advance towards Cullington, intending to destroy all of it, and finally end the interference after all...