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Teardown Wiki
A screenshot of the Character Menu of Teardown

Teardown Character Menu

The character menu is available on the Experimental Mode of Teardown. It adds many features, including a character menu and switching between third and first person view. You can unlock more characters by completing campaign missions and DLCs.

Characters [SPOILERS][]

Unlocked by default[]

Members of the LTS crew.

  • Sven Lagom
  • Lisa Lagom
  • Keiko Lagom
  • Maria Lagom
  • Fumiaki Lagom
  • Carlos Lagom


Monty Quilez[]

Hint : A hundred cents for a Turing's silence.

Method : Drown 100 robots in water

Chris Seabranch[]

Hint : Marina: I'm not sure I like your hotdogs.

Method : Destroy the GubbGrill in West Point Marina.

Parisa Terdiman[]

Hint : Restore law and order in Löckelle.

Method: Complete the campaign.

Freya Woo[]

Hint : Start the Art Vandals Expansion.

Sam Sandstream[]

Hint : Evertides Mall: Give the product a fresh look.

Method : Spraypaint a SunnyMax Solarium.

Magnus Enstöring[]

Hint : Hollowrock: A shining light in the darkness will guide you home. Unless it's out of action.

Method : Destroy the lighthouse lamp.

Ingrid Funke[]

Hint : Evertides Mall : Covert Chaos military precision.

Method (not 100% sure) : Complete all three objectives in Covert Chaos and leave with less than a second left.

Nils Andrée[]

Hint : Complete the Time Campers Expansion.


Hint: Complete the Folkrace expansion.


Gina Campbell[]

Method : Destroy both ooP store locations in Cullington and the Evertides Mall.

Billy Bones Jones[]

Method : Dig the skeleton out of the toxic puddle outside of Lee Chemicals.
